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“Galloping Gertie” - the bridge with a wind problem

In 1940, Washington state, USA, witnessed a marvel of modern engineering. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge, a majestic suspension bridge, which promised a brighter future officially opened, connecting Tacoma to the nearby Kitsap Peninsula. But this bridge had a secret, a weakness hidden in its very design, a problem that would soon turn it into a modern-day disaster. At the time of its construction, the bridge's design was considered to be sleek and modern. Unlike more traditional bridges with their web of trusses, the Tacoma Narrows structure featured a smooth, streamlined deck. However, this innovation, aimed at reducing wind resistance, had a nightmarish side effect. As the wind blew, the bridge didn't just bend - it swayed. In fact, it swayed so wildly, it earned the nickname "Galloping Gertie" from the construction workers who braved the building process. Read about it by following the link: #engineering

The great Lisbon earthquake and seismic design

On a seemingly ordinary day, November 1st, 1755, a tremor unlike any other ripped through Lisbon, Portugal. The Great Lisbon Earthquake, estimated at a staggering 8.5-9.0 on the Richter scale, triggered a monstrous tsunami and widespread fires, leaving behind a scene of unimaginable devastation. This catastrophic event, while a horrific tragedy, became a pivotal moment in the history of construction, forever changing the way we design and build structures in earthquake-prone regions writes John Ridgeway. Lisbon, a flourishing port city at the time, was utterly decimated. The earthquake's violent tremors caused widespread building collapses, burying thousands beneath tons of debris. The subsequent tsunami surged 49 feet (15 metres) high, further adding to the destruction along the waterfront. Estimates suggest tens of thousands perished, with some accounts reaching as high as 100,000 fatalities. The city burned for days, fuelled by the toppling of countless buildings constructed pri

The nicknames behind 23 of the world’s most iconic buildings

Ever wondered why we give some the world's most iconic buildings unusual nicknames? Well, there is a very good reasons and we have looked at 23 of the world's most famous buildings to find out how they got their names and the impacts that they are making in their respective cities. It makes a fascinating read.  Click the link to find out more.. #nicknames

Why cybersecurity could be construction’s “Achilles’ Heel”

The construction industry is experiencing a digital renaissance. Design software, project management platforms, connected equipment, and drone inspections are all transforming how buildings are planned, built, and managed. However, this newfound reliance on technology comes with a hidden vulnerability – a gaping cybersecurity hole that could be exploited by malicious actors. John Ridgeway warns that these vulnerabilities are no longer theoretical in his construction blog at Talk.Build. Recent headlines highlight ransomware attacks crippling construction giants, compromising entire project management systems. The consequences are dire: project delays, financial losses, reputational damage, and even physical safety risks. Despite these dangers, the importance of cybersecurity in construction remains surprisingly under-discussed. #constructionblog

Lost in translation - how language barriers endanger construction workers

Safety instructions on construction sites are frequently lost in translation. Non-English speaking workers are more at risk if they fail to understand protocols, but we are doing something about it. Check out our latest blog.