
Showing posts with the label baby

7 Reasons to Hire A Marketing Consultant for a Small Business

By: Kayla McDonald   Hiring a marketing consultant is a good choice whether your organization needs support with social media, website design, or advertising. To help companies in creating a solid foundation for business growth,  Marketing professionals combine their business skills, such as strategic thinking and problem-solving, with technical expertise. They can help you develop a marketing strategy to reach ideal customers. What Is a Marketing Consultant? Depending on their skill set (such as Event marketing or Web design) and industry  (such as consumer products or B2B services)  a marketing consultant may concentrate on a specific niche. Regardless of their area of expertise, these experts should be able to improve your marketing efforts! However the process of finding a suitable fit for your organization can be daunting, so here's a list 7 qualities to look for when hiring your next Marketing Consultant. Accountability Partner - Entrepreneurship can get lonely. A whopping 86

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Domain Names

So you're ready to build a website, one of the very first steps is purchasing a domain.  However there's a lot of options on the market to choose from. Nowadays you can buy domain names from a variety of website providers, domain registrars and web hosting companies. While either service will get the job done…many people overpay or leave their personal information vulnerable to scammers. That' s why we created a list of 4 common mistakes to avoid when purchasing domain names.   Buying everything from a website builder  - This is like " putting all your eggs in one basket ." Although getting a FREE domain from the same company you’re building a website is convenient… it may cost more in the long run. Website builder softwares typically allow customers to get started at no cost, however upgrades are required for special features like custom domain names which range from $10-$50mo!  Not checking Renewal price - While promotional offers can be attractive please

What A "Domain Name" Means For Your Business

By: Kayla McDonald  At first glance, many houses may look identical on the same street. Someone new to that neighborhood  probably would mistake one home from the next. Similarly it's just as easy for business owners to confuse the meaning of a domain and website - however they are quite different. While both are equally important in building your online reputation, knowing what a “domain name” is can go a long way in controlling your web presence  - especially if you want to sell things on the website!   A domain name and website have a close relationship because they work together to display information on the internet. Here's what you need to know... A domain name (web address) is the combination of letters, numbers or symbols that you type into an address bar to view a website. Once you press enter or select the domain, the website appears. This is what people usually see after the page loads. For instance, think of a domain name like your home address and the website as

10 Marketing Ideas For StartUp Businesses

 Starting a business is an exciting way to launch a new career. Entrepreneurship presents us with unlimited opportunities to share our passion with like-minded communities. That's why branding is so important because it reminds people Who you are, What you do and Why it matters.    Before moving forward in the brand development process, make sure you've selected the business name, colors, fonts, company logo, slogan, mission statement and targeted audience for your idea, product or service. Canva is a great software if you’re interested in creating them yourself. These items build a strong foundation for your promotional efforts. The next step in building your brand is Promotion.   A variety of marketing materials can be used to promote your brand. Keeping your business memorable in the minds of consumers requires consistency. No matter what business name, colors, fonts, company logo, slogan, mission statement or targeted audience you choose, all the company's marketing ma

Before you quit Social Media as a Business Owner

As a Business owner you’ve probably wondered if your social media efforts are worthwhile. Honestly there's no reason to feel any guilt for questioning this. Especially during times of high inflation when, for most of us, Money is tight and Time is scarce.  ​ That’s why one of the main reasons I believe digital marketing can be the best thing for your business is how easy and affordable it is to measure results! To get started, I suggest analyzing data and customer engagement. Nowadays most social media networks allow you to view necessary page data absolutely FREE for things like what content you posted , number of views , comments , direct messages etc.  Once you’ve gathered some data, compare it to the business goals. Mhmm… you know I advocate for Goal setting because it’s critical in measuring results !   To speed up your decision-making process, I put together a short list of questions to ask Before You Quit Social Media: “How did you hear about us? ” This is a valuable questi

8 Ingredients For A Solid Digital Marketing Mix

By: Kayla McDonald This post was created in an effort to help organizations understand the different areas necessary to run successful internet marketing campaigns. Social media is often the only marketing technique businesses consider to reach clients online. When actually, social media is just one of many ways marketing is done over the internet.  Effectively spreading your message online involves sharing information, providing value, being responsive and gathering data. Marketing online should be a team effort. Otherwise managing the process alone can cost organizations a lot of time and money. Most businesses in today’s economy, regard time just as valuable as making money! Internet Marketing can be made easier once individuals or departments have strengths identified. After that, team members can optimize time and talent. To learn more about the key areas of Digital Marketing see glossary below. Key Areas of Digital Marketing Brand Strategy  Web Design Content Marketing Search Eng

4 Ways to Help Baby Sleep Through the Night So You Can Sleep Better Too

Here’s a fast fact that may surprise you (or may not surprise you, depending on how many newborns you’ve cared for over the years): by the age of two, most children will have spent more time asleep than they’ve spent awake. But as any parent of a newborn baby knows, figuring out how to help your baby sleep through the night can be a challenge. Because though your baby might love escaping to dreamland, that doesn’t mean they’re good at catching Z’s on your schedule.  Luckily, there are a few tricks to put your baby to sleep that will help  baby sleep through the night   so the whole family enjoy a better night of rest. Here are 4 of our favorites:  1. LEARN BABY SLEEP CUES When your baby is tired, they’ll tell you.  Okay, it might not be quite that easy. But every baby has sleep cues that will clue you in that they’re in need of some rest.  And catching these clues is key—because when it comes to how to make baby sleep at night, things can get tricky when your baby skips over “tired” an

How to Safely Co Sleep with Baby Without Sacrificing Your Comfort

In the United States (and much of the Western world), we’re pretty big fans of catching quality Z’s while cocooned in some super-soft bedding and supported by a just-soft-enough pillow top.  And while there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel comfy and cozy through the night, it can be challenging to know how to fit your cosleeping baby into your bedroom equation when you know that the oh-so-comfortable bedding you love isn’t quite right for them.  But there have to be answers to how to safely co sleep with baby without sacrificing your own comfort, don’t there? Good news: there are! To feel super-comfortable all night long, while your baby is safely co-sleeping close by—all you need is the right crib (and a little bit of know-how when it comes to common co-sleeping terms!).  HOW TO SAFELY CO SLEEP WITH BABY: WHY THE SLEEP SURFACE MATTERS When you’re co-sleeping with your baby, the mattress matters.  Most mattresses made for babies would feel too firm to satisfy adults. But that firmn

How to Safely Co Sleep With Your Baby

Co-sleeping is not a new practice in this country or in the world. For most of recorded history, parents have ensured the safety and healthy development of their babies by sharing sleeping space with them. (While making breastfeeding easier and getting a more peaceful night’s rest themselves—that’s what we like to call a win-win!) To this day, many cultures around the world sing the praises of co-sleeping and consider it the normal— and natural— way of easing baby’s stress while helping them learn to breathe regularly and develop healthily.  Studies have confirmed that co-sleeping is a safe practice that improves parents’ sleep, cares for baby’s development, and promotes bonding through touch.  While co sleeping is one of the oldest and most popular methods for sleeping with a newborn, it’s important that you co-sleep safely.  Before baby and parent tuck in for a more caring and nurturing night of rest, the co-sleeping environment needs to be properly prepped.  To cre