
Showing posts with the label success-and-failure

Where Does Success Or Failure Begin?

Let me demonstrate just how powerful the right mindset is when you are monetizing your business. The wrong sort of thinking could even make you broke and hungry. These examples will show you how a shift in thinking can make the difference between success and failure. The Customers Dream Do you have any idea how long customers normally have to wait to get their furniture delivered? The standard wait time in the industry is three to six weeks for in-stock merchandise. That’s just crazy! Then along comes AMAZON! When you can shop at night and sometimes have it on your porch the very next day! In many industries before Amazon– that was UNHEARD OF! When Amazon began, not a single store in town was delivering furniture to a customer’s home within a couple of days let alone overnight. That was just not the way things were done. Amazon wanted to deliver in three days or less. Do you think the business owners were scorned and warned by ALL the other furniture retailers who they asked for advice