
Showing posts with the label stay-true-to-yourself

Authenticity and Transparency

There’s no doubt about it. The consumer market has evolved  exponentially  with the multitudes of products and services available to us.  Take a product like  milk  for example …  There once was a time when the only kind of milk available was whole milk  (sourced from a cow)  and the only way to get it was from a milk delivery service.   It eventually became available at local markets, including the introduction of different fat variances  (skim milk, 2% milk, and whole milk) .   Then organic and A2 specific cow options arrived, followed by more and more competing brands.  Somewhere in that timeline was the onset of different source choices of milk. Soy milk, goat milk, rice milk, oat milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, almond milk, etc.  Let’s not forget all the different variations to some of those milk sources too (vanilla, plain, chocolate, unsweetened, etc.) You get the idea.  Choices, choices, and then more choices.   Here’s a fun fact that might surprise you … The average adult makes