
Showing posts with the label AirPollution

10 Simple & Easy Ways To Help Your Environment Everyone knows they should care more about the environment, but lots of people believe it’s just not worth the time and trouble. Furthermore, it’s common to believe that one person making a change isn’t going to matter. If you hold these beliefs, think again. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said that the “single greatest environmental threat to human health” is Air pollution and that it can determine a person's health life expectancy by 30%. You might not be in a position to change the behaviour of millions of people, but you can take responsibility for your own actions and do your part. You can also influence others around you. Use these easy strategies and do your part to support the environment: 1. Avoid wasting water. It’s true that the total amount of water in the world is constant. However, the amount of fresh water in the world is not. Fresh water is constantly trying to make its way to th...