
Showing posts with the label mindful

Mindful Healthy Tips

Mindful Healthy Tips Articles   Health Mindful Healthy Tips Junk foods literally mean useless.  It does not do any good to your body.  It is high in sodium, calories and a lot of chemical ingredients to attract buyers with the artificial flavouring.  Instead of buying junk foods for your snacks and break time, substitute it with nutritious fruits and vegetables. Reduce your sugar. Reduce your sugar gradually in your hot or cold drinks until you don’t need it anymore. White sugar does not contain any vitamins or minerals, and brown sugar contains a very small amount of no nutritional importance.  Sugar and honey are also fattening and can cause tooth decay. Give fruit or toys. Give fruit or toys instead of giving candies and sweets to children as present or reward.  Children as young associative learners will later associate harmful foods with good events.  This might overshadow their thinking about the true value of a healthy and nutritious diet.  As much as possible, practice a health

Music With Beautiful Breathtaking Views for Meditation

Music with Beautiful Breathtaking Views for Meditation Use this music to escape from the craziness of the moment. This music and beautiful breathtaking views will help you to relax and calm down to focus on your tasks and life.   Guided Meditation Regular meditation has been scientifically proven to enhance relaxation, overall health, and wellbeing. Meditation and hypnosis are safe and natural. A higher level of consciousness and awareness can be realized when we are able to alleviate our minds and listen to our profound truth. You may find the solutions to many current personal problems and issues if you simply take the time to ask your inner self for a new direction. Change your Beliefs and Past Conditioning for better Confidence, Abundance, Wisdom, and inner Self-Worth Affirmation. This Mindful Guided meditation is a simple mindfulness practice that can help you change your relationship to this very strong and sometimes overwhelming emotion. Meditation isn’t used to get rid of grief