
Showing posts with the label covid

Un tissu imprégné de cuivre peut-il détruire le coronavirus?

Copper Clothing Limited ( vetementscuivre , distributeur en France) est une entreprise qui incorpore des formulations antimicrobiennes de cuivre dans des tissus, tels que des lits, des draps, des chaussettes, des masques, des gants, des pyjamas, etc., et les vend aux consommateurs. En 2014, il a financé des recherches pour tester l’efficacité de l’activité viricide du tissu de cuivre sur le coronavirus bovin. Le test a été réalisé par un laboratoire viral spécialisé de l’Institut d’hygiène et de microbiologie du Dr Brill + Partner GmbH. L’activité viricide du matériau traité a été évaluée en comparant l’activité viricide du matériau non traité. L’étude a révélé que le tissu imprégné de cuivre peut lutter efficacement contre le virus et le détruire.   En résumé, la différence observée entre les matériaux testés est basée sur le processus d’inactivation durant le processus de séchage de 10 minutes (facteur de réduction de 3,94 log du cu

Vitamin C and its Role in Staying Healthy

Which is the best repair nutrient for your body? A nutrient I wouldn't want to live without?  It's Vitamin C . The more health problems, the more infection, the more challenges we have, the more Vitamin C we need.  And as we know Vitamin C boosts our immune system and... It's one of the great - probably the best - natural anti viral. I t can protect us and help us recover from cold, flu, influenza and other illnesses... If we're serious about staying healthy, we need to consider the crucial role Vitamin C plays in maintaining our health. staying healthy

What To Do During An Asthma Attack

One thing we know for sure – every single person can help our country control the COVID-19 pandemic. From wearing a mask to washing your hands to maintaining physical distance and avoiding large indoor gatherings, each of us can follow proven public health practices that not only reduce our own chance of getting infected by SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes coronavirus disease, or COVID-19), but also prevent the spread of COVID-19 to our coworkers, friends and loved ones. Another thing that will help is testing as many people as possible. Testing for COVID-19 is so important that in April 2020, the NIH launched the  Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Initiative  to develop rapid, easy-to-use, accurate testing and make it available nationwide. As part of this effort, the  RADx Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) program  is about finding solutions to stop the spread of COVID-19, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities, and other vulnerable populations that have been dispro

What To Do During An Asthma Attack

One thing we know for sure – every single person can help our country control the COVID-19 pandemic. From wearing a mask to washing your hands to maintaining physical distance and avoiding large indoor gatherings, each of us can follow proven public health practices that not only reduce our own chance of getting infected by SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes coronavirus disease, or COVID-19), but also prevent the spread of COVID-19 to our coworkers, friends and loved ones. Another thing that will help is testing as many people as possible. Testing for COVID-19 is so important that in April 2020, the NIH launched the  Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Initiative  to develop rapid, easy-to-use, accurate testing and make it available nationwide. As part of this effort, the  RADx Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) program  is about finding solutions to stop the spread of COVID-19, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities, and other vulnerable populations that have been dispro

COVID Security and Dental Needs-- What You Need To Know

Life hasn't been easy for any of us this year. The COVID-19 crisis has struck everybody hard, and it is still making an impact on the way we live today. Nevertheless, at Patient Empowered Dentistry, we are identified to make life much easier for you when it comes to your oral needs.  If you require oral treatment near Eastpointe, MI, do contact us, as we are following the standards set by the CDC (Center For Disease Control And Prevention). We are taking all of the required precautions to keep both our employees and our patients safe, and are here to answer any concerns you might have about a see to the dentist throughout COVID.    The Guidelines Set Down By The CDC The guidelines set down by the CDC are long and numerous, however you can be assured that we are doing whatever that they have suggested. To read more about their recommendations for dental practices, you can visit their main website. However, we have summarized a few of the main points for you below.  For all dental pr

How to Optimize Business During Covid 19

We know this is a difficult time for people everywhere, including small business owners. We want to help. We’ve gathered some useful resources to help your business navigate these challenging times. It helps to  optimise your business during Covid 19 After securing the health and well-being of yourself and your staff, nothing is more important than protecting your company and the jobs it provides.  From simply keeping the lights on today to growing tomorrow, we’re here for you. You might bookmark this page as a reference. Optimize Business During Covid 19

What To Do During An Asthma Attack

One thing we know for sure – every single person can help our country control the COVID-19 pandemic. From wearing a mask to washing your hands to maintaining physical distance and avoiding large indoor gatherings, each of us can follow proven public health practices that not only reduce our own chance of getting infected by SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes coronavirus disease, or COVID-19), but also prevent the spread of COVID-19 to our coworkers, friends and loved ones. Another thing that will help is testing as many people as possible. Testing for COVID-19 is so important that in April 2020, the NIH launched the  Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Initiative  to develop rapid, easy-to-use, accurate testing and make it available nationwide. As part of this effort, the  RADx Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) program  is about finding solutions to stop the spread of COVID-19, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities, and other vulnerable populations that have been dispropo

Vitamin C and its Role in Staying Healthy

Which is the best repair nutrient for your body? A nutrient I wouldn't want to live without?  It's Vitamin C . The more health problems, the more infection, the more challenges we have, the more Vitamin C we need.  And as we know Vitamin C boosts our immune system and... It's one of the great - probably the best - natural anti viral. I t can protect us and help us recover from cold, flu, influenza and other illnesses... If we're serious about staying healthy, we need to consider the crucial role Vitamin C plays in maintaining our health. staying healthy