
Showing posts with the label airpurifierreviews

How To Protect Your Family From Airborne Viruses

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has  somewhat been reduced throughout the world by the new vaccines, but the threat continues with the new variants and we should all be worried and protect ourselves even further by doing even more than what the general population is doing.   How do you protect your family in your own home if you go to work or shopping and inadvertently pick up the new variants? How do you protect yourself at work if you are sharing office space and air with other people.  You don’t know that you are truly protected in any space you enter.  What are others using at home and their offices to protect themselves? How are they protecting their families, their employees and their customers? Well, you’ve probably heard of the technologies that are claiming to kill the COVID-2 Virus within minutes.  Are these claims really true, can their product actually do this? But, what technology are they using, Is a HEPA Filter?, Is it UV Light?,Is It Ozone? Or is it some new technology tha