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Tips on How to Get Your Best Sleep After C-Section

There is a lot to go through with a newborn and recovering from major abdominal surgery on top of that takes some extra care. Your doctor should have provided you with very specific care information about your healing process, but there isn’t really a handbook on how to make it all work with getting enough rest and how to sleep after c section while taking care of your baby. Keep in mind this is just a small part of your journey with your new baby, and the better you take care of yourself the faster your recovery can happen. It is easy to stare at your precious baby and count the fingers and toes all day, but as you have probably heard over and over again: Rest when your baby rests. This is so important for sleep-deprived new moms in general, but as your body recovers from the C-section you need even more rest than usual. If you have a partner at home to help you try and plan a little additional time to stretch the breaks you get by getting help with diaper changes or meal preparation