
Showing posts with the label chicken-wrap-with-lettuce

Foods for Weight Loss and Weight Management

Hello there, and welcome to "Simply You" I am Chef Renée. Today we are going to be doing foods that help with weight loss, all right. It's crucial for us not to beat ourselves up but to have the right attitude about weight management. There's so much more to weight loss and keeping the weight off. It encompasses several things. It encompasses exercise. It encompasses a healthy diet. It encompasses our subconscious and how we're thinking. So we got to take into account those things when we're discussing effective weight loss, weight management, weight gain, or just being stable with our weight. Right! Today, I'm, going to make a several meals for you. Perhaps, they will help you keep weight management in mind. Because I could tell you a million things to prepare literally, but it won't do any good if you don't have the right mental outlook or state of mind. So what I 'd like you to do if you're interested in weight loss is to start to reasse...