
Showing posts with the label marketing-advice

Funnel Fallacy #2 | Compelling copy

In the last newsletter we covered the  WHO and HOW  (Component  #1) when it comes to creating a massively successful lead generation funnel.  After gaining a crystal clear picture of WHO your ideal client is, it will be easier to nail down the second component… Writing  compelling  copy for your funnel that  resonates  at a high level   with your target audience.  Resonates?  Resonating is the feeling that develops when someone trusts, believes, and connects with who you are, what you stand for, and what you offer  (you or your company).  This piece is  extremely important  to mention, as it sets the tone, theme, and positioning when writing each copy element for your funnel.  In other words, when your copy resonates at a high level with your ideal prospects, you can ultimately   increase your conversion rate .  So yes, this is important! If you want to resonate with your audience, you must first become crystal clear on  what it is you are selling  AND  how exactly it benefits  your au

The MOST Dangerous Number

As with most advice shared with you as a kid, rarely do you understand what it means until later in life… One I heard more than a few times growing up was,  “Don’t put all your eggs in ONE basket.”    As a kid, my mother used this proverb when she’d see me spending time with only one or two of the same friends.  Or when it came to college applications, and my decision to only apply to the University of Florida as a transfer student,  (as that was my dream school) .  Thankfully I got in, but what devastation I would have felt  (she realized this as well)  if I  wouldn’t  have been accepted. Waiting another semester before applying to any school would have been my only option, as I had already decided not to return to Rochester Institute of Technology.  After college, when I started in sales, my managers would heed this same warning when it came to clients.  ONE is dangerous.  If you’ve ever read anything by Dan Kennedy, or had the opportunity to hear him speak, you may have heard him sa