
Showing posts with the label troy_brandenburg

An Interview with Troy Brandenburg about Equine Therapy

Troy Brandenburg talks with Mitali Rajadithya about equine therapy. The equipment he sells and uses in his equine therapy business. He discusses his experience treating, Thumbelina the world's smallest horse. He also talks about being equine therapist and his mantra for life of being grateful to life. A message from Troy Brandenburg: After years of reading, studying, observing and living within the equestrian arena, I came to the conclusion that most people make the diagnosis of horses too complicated. In return, they treat the problem instead of treating the cause of the problem. Most chronic problems and issues with horses are simply due to compromised blood flow. Consequently, I've become driven to learn how to increase blood flow to the whole horse. When I work on a horse increasing blood flow and releasing muscles, you see an over all calming affect upon the horse. My work has a lasting affect upon the whole being. It helps with digestion issues, boost immu