
Showing posts with the label Scaling-Business

SNAPS & two more secrets to scaling your business

I’m sure you can relate to this one… When the s**t hits the fan, fingers start getting pointed and the blame game begins… This seems to be a pretty common theme with businesses we encounter, especially during the growth spurts. So why is it that individuals don’t usually accept responsibility for themselves, their actions or lack of actions, and feel compelled to point fingers to release them from the blame when something goes wrong or when something isn’t working?  In my experience, the answer is simple.  The business lacks  Positive Accountability .  Here’s a great example… I once was an offensive coach for a youth football team a little over a decade ago. (Just a side note: if you love sports, and can make the time, I highly recommend volunteering to be a youth coach for a sport you are really passionate about… it was one of the most rewarding experiences I had the opportunity to invest my heart, time, and energy in. Some of these kids had no one in their life they could turn to or