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David Vs All The Goliaths

David vs all the Goliaths   I’m speaking of King David, of course. But  I (regular David) have had my share of Goliaths to  deal with. On a recent trip to Israel, I stood on the  very site King David himself stood and  had his biblical battle with the giant. It was a dream of mine to visit this site.  I envisioned what it might look like and  I was blown away seeing that it looked  exactly as I’d always pictured. I was so moved by the experience and  the energy of the history that surrounded  It was my last stop on my trip and I  took the moment to take it all in. The  story of David and Goliath  is one  we’re all familiar with and is used as a  metaphor across so many platforms in  our lives. In sports, education, politics,  and in business. Against all odds, with little means of protection,  armed with very little…the little guy defeats  the big guy. But as I stood there among the stone and  ruins (some of which were only uncovered  by archeologists 30 years ago) I was  reminded of s