
Showing posts with the label through

4 Ways to Help Baby Sleep Through the Night So You Can Sleep Better Too

Here’s a fast fact that may surprise you (or may not surprise you, depending on how many newborns you’ve cared for over the years): by the age of two, most children will have spent more time asleep than they’ve spent awake. But as any parent of a newborn baby knows, figuring out how to help your baby sleep through the night can be a challenge. Because though your baby might love escaping to dreamland, that doesn’t mean they’re good at catching Z’s on your schedule.  Luckily, there are a few tricks to put your baby to sleep that will help  baby sleep through the night   so the whole family enjoy a better night of rest. Here are 4 of our favorites:  1. LEARN BABY SLEEP CUES When your baby is tired, they’ll tell you.  Okay, it might not be quite that easy. But every baby has sleep cues that will clue you in that they’re in need of some rest.  And catching these clues is key—because when it comes to how to make baby sleep at night, things can get tricky when your baby skips over “tired” an