
Showing posts with the label business-advice

Do You Create Results with 100% Certainty?

In the last edition of The Infinite Business Newsletter, I talked about the vital importance of innovation  (aka continual improvement ).  The commitment to always be striving for  new, better and different  allows your company to  stay relevant and service your clients   even  better.  I’m always shocked to discover most businesses fail to use  one of the most powerful tools  in their tool box when it comes to finding out EXACTLY how to service their clients better  (Maybe it’s obvious, therefore it’s often missed)... And if you aren’t doing this to some degree in your business, it’s never too late to start…    One of the quickest ways to innovate and take steps to improve your business is by  asking the most important person or people in your business . Who are the most important people in  any  business? Your clients.  Your clients are the BEST people to go to when you seek improvement suggestions, ideas for new products or services, or to discover future wants, needs, and desires. 

Obstacles rooting your future?

Oftentimes, failure to attain our goals and realize our full potential is a direct result of our  limiting belief system .   We all have them. Our beliefs are deep seeded  (basically anchored)  in our subconscious mind.  For example, have you ever caught yourself making a statement like, “I’m not good at time management” or “I’m terrible with numbers so I won’t understand financials”?  These are examples of limiting beliefs that people  construct in their mind that they then think to be true.  They then become beliefs that falsely define you, and keep you from making good choices. They limit you from taking advantage of opportunities. They keep you “stuck” and unable to move forward.  They remain in your subconscious as “truths”, therefore your conscious mind believes them to be true and acts accordingly.  Ultimately, limiting beliefs keep us trapped in a negative state of mind and therefore become the root obstacles that deter us from living the life we truly desire. What causes our l

The 2nd MOST important asset (next to your list)…

As Entrepreneurs,  our list  is one of our most important assets.  The second most important asset is one that I find missing in 9 out of 10 Entrepreneurial businesses.   Yet, it’s a vital piece to not only sustaining a business, but in growing and scaling it too...  Standard Operating Procedures   (a.k.a.  SOP ) I’m sure you’ve heard this term before. A SOP is a detailed documentation of instructions  (written or visual)  that describe each step of a process or task.  The purpose of SOPs are to increase efficiency and deliver consistent outcomes each and every time.  In many cases SOPs are used to ensure compliance with operational practices.   Why are these so important?  Processes that aren’t documented leave room for errors and mistakes.  Clear enough, right?  Now consider these reasons that may not be so obvious… When people on your team have a SOP to follow, they are  more productive , as they have  exactly  what they need to complete the task at hand.  Without clear instructions

The MOST Dangerous Number

As with most advice shared with you as a kid, rarely do you understand what it means until later in life… One I heard more than a few times growing up was,  “Don’t put all your eggs in ONE basket.”    As a kid, my mother used this proverb when she’d see me spending time with only one or two of the same friends.  Or when it came to college applications, and my decision to only apply to the University of Florida as a transfer student,  (as that was my dream school) .  Thankfully I got in, but what devastation I would have felt  (she realized this as well)  if I  wouldn’t  have been accepted. Waiting another semester before applying to any school would have been my only option, as I had already decided not to return to Rochester Institute of Technology.  After college, when I started in sales, my managers would heed this same warning when it came to clients.  ONE is dangerous.  If you’ve ever read anything by Dan Kennedy, or had the opportunity to hear him speak, you may have heard him sa