hostdime review

HostDime is owned by a U.S.-based corporation and has a national domain name presence. This business declares to have over 2 million domain names on its hosting services.

HostDime offers a wide range of services, consisting of handled VPS and dedicated servers. In this way, HostDime has various sites for various countries, so I will concentrate on the UK site for this research study.

Pricing and product assistance.

HostDime's rates are cheap, if not puzzling. Though the rates revealed on their website included a dollar indication, prices actually reported in Mexican Pesos. You might discover that the cost is competitive with your country's currency.

If you prepay for a year's worth of hosting it comes with a 1-month hosting discount rate. This must be reasonable for a hosting business of their caliber.

HostDime does use a cash back assurance but it is a little stiff, so not everybody will be able to use it. When you are not happy with the product you simply bought, you have a right to get a refund.

HostDime actually does a great job of providing customer support. They have a range of contact platforms for their clients: e-mail, phone, ticket and live chat. For technical aid, assistance is accessible all 24 hours, and for sales demands, they're offered Monday to Friday at 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays from 10 AM from twelve noon to 3pm.


A host of top quality site services and hosting possibilities.

Excellent customer care 24/7.

New technology SSDs.

Trial period; 45-day money-back guarantee.


Shared hosting is no longer readily available.

There are several hosting services that charge exceptionally high fees.

Better for experienced users.

hostdime review


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